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Autumn Term

Les émotions de P'tit cube

This half term, Blue Class have started their learning journey in French! 


They have learnt a Bonjour Song that we sing at the beginning of each lesson with some actions on the tune of 'If you're happy and you know it'. 


Bonjour les amis comment ça va ? *clap clap*
Bonjour les amis comment ça va ? *clap clap*

Ça va bien ! *thumbs up*
Ça va mal ! *thumbs down*
Ça va comme ci, comme ça *move hands sideways*

Bonjour les amis comment ça va ? *clap clap*



Et voilà ! It's probably stuck in your head now...


In each session, we have been watching a short episode of Les émotions de p'tit cube - you can find them here: Player les-emotions-de-p-tit-cube-s-1-e1-les-emotions (


It follows the story of a little cube who has lots of emotions and is learning how they make him feel and how to deal with them. This program was a perfect way to introduce a few colours and to start counting how many emotions and/or colours we had been learning about. 


Blue Class are very enthusiastic and remember so much from one lesson to the next. I was really impressed. They already started greeting me in French in the corridor! Bien joué Blue Class! 
