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Autumn Term

Boucle d'or et les trois ours Part 1

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Mardi 28 novembre 2023


This half term, Gold Class have been learning the story Boucle d'or et les trois ours (Goldilocks) in French! We used a unit of work from Language Angels. They learned the whole story with some actions and they are amazing at retelling it all in French!


In this video, you can hear them say:


Boucle d'or et les trois ours


Il était une fois trois ours qui habitaient dans une petite maison dans une petite forêt.
Il y avait Papa Ours, Maman Ours et Bébé Ours. 
Un jour, Maman Ours a fait une soupe. La soupe était trop chaude.
Une petite fille s'est approchée de la maison. La petite fille s'appelait Boucle d'or. 
Le grand bol était trop salé. Le moyen bol était trop sucré. Le petit bol était JUSTE COMME IL FAUT !


The children are really enjoying this story and especially saying 'juste comme il faut' ('just right').

They use this phrase all the time at school now. 


So if you heard this at home and were wondering what it meant, you now have the translation. wink


Mardi 3 octobre 2023


This half term, Gold Class have been recapping how to introduce themselves in French. 


I have used the unit called 'Je me présente' from the website


We have recapped:

- 3 ways to say hello in French and which one is more appropriate in which situation (bonjour, salut, coucou)

- how to ask someone what their name is and how to say our name (comment tu t'appelles ? Je m'appelle)

- how to ask someone how they are and how to say how we feel (ça va ? - ça va bien / mal / comme ci, comme ça)

- how to ask someone how old they are and how to say how old we are (quel âge as-tu ? J'ai sept ans)

- how to count to 20


We also start every lesson with a Bonjour song that a friend and I have recorded for them and the date.


The children did really well and can now use these everyday phrases. It is always lovely when the children greet me and even ask me how I am feeling in French at school. It shows that they actually put their newly acquired knowledge into context! 
