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Anti Bullying

What is bullying?


'The repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological. It can happen face-to-face or online.' 

Anti-Bullying Alliance definition of bullying.

Make A Noise About Bullying

Anti-Bullying week 2023


Our School Council ran a special assembly. Each class showed some work that they had completed as part of this year's anti-bullying week. 

Some classes showed pictures or performed poems and songs.

We also sang a song about friendship that Mrs Jennings had taught us in music.



Sunshine Song

What to do if you are bullied or you know someone who is.

Advice for parents- What can you do if you think that your child is being bullied?

Please look at the Useful Links in the Community Section of our website. There is some very useful information on cyber bullying!

Where Can I Get Help?


If you are worried about bullying or would like some more advice there are several places you could go for help.

You could speak to someone in school.


You could speak to someone from Childline 


(This is a free and confidential phone number. That means that you can phone it from any phone and you won't get charged.)


Look online. We have listed some really good websites that provide useful information and great advice on bullying and lots of other issues.


