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Meet the Governors

Welcome to the Governors' section!

The vision of the governing body of Mere School is that the school is:


  • a place where pupils are safe and they feel safe and where they are respected – emotionally, intellectually and physically.
  • a place where learning is the main purpose of all activity.  Each pupil’s learning is supported and guided and pupils are encouraged to take a positive role in guiding their own learning.  Parents are, likewise encouraged to take an active role in their children’s learning.
  • a place where pupils’ achievements both small and large are acknowledged.  In the same way, pupils’ endeavour is celebrated. The highest standards of educational achievement are the goal for each and every pupil.
  • a place of opportunity for a wide variety of children where respect for one another is paramount.
  • a place where the opinions of pupils, parents, staff, governors and the local community are sought and contribute to the further development of the school.




Carolyn Godfrey - Chair

  • Co-opted Governor appointed in August 2018 and serving until August 2026.
  • Chair of the Full Governing Body.
  • Member of the Curriculum , Pay Panel, Performance Management Committees, Staffing Panel, with responsibility for English, Maths and Pupil Premium.
  • Attendance at meetings 2023-24 - FGB 100%, Curriculum 100% 


My background is in education and children’s services and I have worked in these areas in Wiltshire, Dorset, Nottinghamshire and the North East.  I live locally and I am passionate about education and the importance of high quality teaching and learning and support for children’s safety and well-being.  I am therefore delighted to be the chair of governors at Mere School and to be working with

Mrs Williamson and such a committed team of staff and governors.


Catriona Williamson – Headteacher


As Headteacher Mrs Williamson has a permanent place on the Governing body.


  • Member of the Finance and the Behaviour and Safety Committees.

  • No business or pecuniary or material interests with Mere School nor is a governor at any other school.
  • Trustee of registered charity The Friends of Mere School, Mere School's PTA.


I am proud to have been Head Teacher at Mere School for many years and thoroughly enjoy working with our governing body.  Mere School is lucky to have such a dedicated, knowledgeable and supportive governing body.


Jenny Bennett

  • Parent Governor elected in February 2022 serving until February 2026
  • Member of the Curriculum Committee with responsibility for Science, History and Early Years.
  • Attendance at meetings 2023-24  - FGB 83% and Curriculum 100%


I have a young son who attends Mere School and throughout his time at the school I have consistently been impressed by the high quality teaching and learning environment and the positive effect it has had on him. As a professional ecologist and environmentalist I hope to contribute my skills and knowledge in science, my passion and love for wildlife and the environment and my background and experience in project and process management to assist in the continued success of the school. 


Adam Bloomfield

  • Parent Governor elected in September 2022 serving until September 2026
  • Member of the Finance Committee with responsibility for MFL.
  • Attendance at meetings 2023-24 - FGB 83% and Finance 80%


I have lived in Mere with my family since 2010.  I have 3 children all of whom attend or will attend Mere Primary School. I have been an Independent Financial Adviser since 2000 and run a practice locally in Shaftesbury High Street.  I am also used to running large corporate events.  I hope my financial and event  management expertise will benefit the school in the coming years.


Julia Cole

  • Co-opted Governor appointed in October 2018 serving until October 2026
  • Member of the Finance and the Behaviour & Safety Committees, Pay Panel, Staffing and  Performance Management Committee.  Julia's curriculum responsibilities are PSHE and Child Protection
  • Attendance at meetings 2023-24 - FGB 100% and Finance 100%


I moved to Mere in 2002 with my four children, three of which attended Mere School.  I served on the Governing body for about 8 years until my youngest left for Secondary School.  Having been Mere’s Health Visitor for a number of years and my previous career in finance before training as a nurse, I felt I still had lots of experience to contribute as a Governor.  I was therefore very pleased to be given the chance to be able to serve on the Governing body of Mere School once again this time as a Co-opted Governor. 


Glen Ings

  • Governor appointed in September 2023 serving until September 2027
  • Member of the Behaviour & Safety  Committee.  Glen's curriculum responsibility is Art and he is also responsible for Health and Safety.
  • Attendance at meetings 2023-24 - FGB 50% and Behaviour & Safety 50%


Tim Jacobs

  • Co-opted Governor appointed in September 2023 serving until September 2027
  • Member of the Finance Committee.  Tim's curriculum responsibilities are Computing, filtering and monitoring and On-line Safety
  • Attendance at meetings 2023-24 - FGB 100% and Finance 100%


My niece attends Mere School, and my sister (Mrs Jennings) teaches music. I work for a large financial services company in Bristol. I look forward to supporting Mere’s wonderful staff and students as a governor.


 Christine Marsh


  • Co-opted governor appointed in September 2021 serving until September 2025
  • Member of the Curriculum Committee and has responsibility for Music, Geography and RE
  • Attendance at meetings 2022-23  FGB 83% and Curriculum 80%


My background is mainly secondary school education both in State Schools and Independent Schools in the UK and abroad.

In my early career in the Independent sector, I was also involved in working with years 5 & 6.

I was, for many years, involved in years 11-13 Careers Choices and was School Counsellor.

I have taught adult groups on Pastoral topics relating to life issues.

I also, served on the 11 plus and school allocation Appeal Panels organised by Buckinghamshire LEA.  I acted as an independent member.

On return from abroad I worked for the Children's Society, then based in Guisely, Yorkshire where I worked alongside social workers among disadvantaged families in Leeds and Harrogate.

Towards the end of my full-time teaching career, I qualified as a Licensed Lay Minister for the Church of England in the Oxford Diocese.

In 2010 I moved to Mere and am now mainly linked to St Michael the Archangel Church in Mere and St Mary the Virgin, West Knoyle.

I have been involved for several years in organising with Mere School the Open the Book Scheme, Christmas and Easter Workshops.

I hope that my varied experience will be of use to Mere School.


Edwin Ralph - Vice Chair

  • Parent Governor appointed in September 2018 has been elected for a second term serving until September 2026
  • Member of the Curriculum Committee and has responsibility for Data and Assessment
  • Attendance at meetings 2023-24 - FGB 83% and Curriculum 100%


I have lived in Mere since I was 6 years of age and feel privileged to have attended Mere First School and Duchy Manor Middle School in days before Mere Primary School existed. I have 5 children, four of which are or have attended Mere School. I am very impressed with the quality of teaching at Mere School and have been privileged to witness this first hand while accompanying staff and children on regular school trips as well as when I have assisted in sporting activities and through conducting governor monitoring sessions.


Almost all of my working life, and a considerable amount of voluntary work that I participate in, has been in education. I work as a self employed driving instructor in the local area and I bring to the committee almost 25 years of experience in teaching Geography, Sports, Religion and driving skills. Since 2015 I have run sports clubs at Mere School and have also accompanied the children to associated tournaments. I truly love seeing the enjoyment this brings the children and enjoy helping them develop life skills through sport which far transcend the individual sport itself.


I have sat on the Curriculum Committee since becoming a parent governor which has given me a greater insight of the quality of teaching at the school and since September 2019 I have chaired that committee. I have also acted in the office of Vice Chair of Governors since September 2020.


Jenny Ritter

  • Co-opted Governor appointed in September 2018 now serving a second term until September 2026
  • Chair of the Behaviour and Safety Committee, responsibility for PE, SEND and Equalities
  • Attendance at meetings 2023-24 - FGB 66% and B&S 100%


I live in Mere and currently have three young children, the eldest has just joined Mere school.  I have a background in teaching and taught in a local Wiltshire school and now work for a charity based in Bath. Through my current role I have gained experience in safeguarding and operations. I hope to use this experience to assist in helping the school to be a safe and happy place for children and staff to learn and work.


Lee Tibbit

  • Parent Governor, elected in October 2016 and serving until September 2024
  • Member of the Finance Committee.  Curriculum responsibilities are DT and Whistle Blowing
  • Attendance at meetings 2023-24  - FGB 50% and Finance 40%


I moved to Mere in 2017 and have 2 young children who attend Mere School and 1 that attends Gillingham Secondary School.  In my professional life I am a Commercial Director for a global food manufacturer, and I hope that my experience will help to contribute to the continued success of Mere School for generations to come. 


David Rich (Deputy Head)







  • Staff Governor, elected in September 2023 and serving until September 2027
  • Member of the Curriculum Committee
  • Attendance at meetings 2023-24 - FGB 100% and Curriculum 100%



Clerk to the Governors - Alison Hyde

I joined Mere School in January 2020 as Finance Officer and took on the role of Clerk to Governors in May'2021.  I feel very privileged to be a member of such a wonderful school.



Governors Scheme of Delegation
