A warm welcome...
Welcome to Mere School. We hope you and your child(ren) will be very happy here. The purpose of this page is to help you quickly and easily find out the key things you need to know when you are new to the school.
School office:
The office is staffed by Mrs Sharon Rawlings, Mrs Ali Hyde and Mrs Wendy Clements.
You can call them on 01747 860515 with any queries, or email admin@mere.wilts.sch.uk or office@mere.wilts.sch.uk
Text reminder service:
Make sure you have registered your mobile number and e.mail address with the school office so that you can receive app reminders about events, and links to the fortnightly e-newsletters.
Head bump text:
Don't be alarmed if you receive a text from school saying that your child has had a head bump. These texts have replaced the paper forms which we used to send home with children, and are simply to notify you of minor bumps. You are not required to take any immediate action. However, we do ask that you keep an eye out for any dizziness or other symptoms when your child is at home later. This is unlikely to occur, but it is better to be forewarned.
School Uniform:
School jumpers and cardigans, PE zoodies, t-shirts and PE bags with school logo, caps and book bags are available to purchase from the school office. Find out prices and more here www.mereschool.co.uk/uniform.
Everything else can be purchased at local supermarkets. There is also a well stocked second hand school uniform wardrobe - just ask at the ladies in the school office and they will be happy to show you.
There is some parking in the new car park opposite the dentist's entrance. There is also a drop-off zone in operation in the morning in the new car park. A member of staff will be there to greet your child and see them safely into school. Please take great care driving around this area, as there are also many pedestrians.
The car park beside the dentist is private property and again there is no parking for parents on that part of the site.
Morning routine:
School opens at 8.40am. On their first day children can go in via the school office. Thereafter, children (and parents if desired) go into the playground either via the back gate, or at the front by going through the gate and past the pre-school.
KS1 children wait near their classroom door to go in, and will be greeted by their teacher and/or teaching assistant (TA).
KS2 children wait by the door near the entrance gate at the side of the school, the garden area with the greenhouse. They will be greeted by a member of staff.
Gates close at 8.50am, after that please enter via the office at the front of school.
School lunches/snacks:
All the children eat together in the large school hall (in 2 sittings).
KS1 children receive free school meals. KS2 meals are £2.60 per day.
KS1 children are offered a free healthy snack mid-morning. KS2 children are able to buy food and drink from the tuck trolley at morning break on Friday's for 60p per item, or choose free fruit instead. Parents can send their children to school with an alternative healthy snack if they prefer.
Find out more and see lunch menus at www.mereschool.co.uk/school-meals/ Jacket Potatoes with Cheese or Beans are available as an alternative every day but must be ordered in advance.
Afternoon routine:
School finishes at 3.20pm.
KS1 children will leave via their classroom door onto the playground. Staff will only let them leave with a parent, or otherwise with another adult if school have been notified in advance. Year 2 children to leave via the second door at the side of the school by the garden.
Years 3 and 4 children will leave via the first door at the side of school by the garden area. Years 5 and 6 children will leave from the school hall directly onto the playground.
On Fridays, years 4, 5 and 6 children have PE all afternoon and will leave from the school hall directly onto the playground.
Wrap around care:
PH Sports deliver fun and engaging Breakfast Clubs at Mere for children of all ages. Breakfast club is available daily from 7.45am. Children will be welcomed and offered a healthy breakfast to kick start the day, followed by the option to take part in a variety of sports and arts and crafts activities.
At PH Sports Breakfast Club, children can chose a variety of activities. Every activity is aimed to be accessible to
children of all ages and abilities. Each session will run in a similar format where children will have the choice of 3 activities; craft, sports/games activity or choosing activities (Lego, homework, books, board games etc.). There is
also the option for some quiet time in the 'chill-out zone' which allows children who want a bit of quiet time to relax
in an area where they can be comfortable. Examples of sports activities include (not limited to): dodgeball, basketball,
parachute games, tag games, alternative sports etc.
Costs: Breakfast Club 7.45 - 8.50am: £5.15
To book your place visit:
Be sure to follow all the instructions when registering (there is also a video tutorial on how to set up an account,
click 'Need Help Registering' on the page in the above link). Once registered you will be able to log back in
whenever you like to make your bookings.
PH Coaching are OFSTED registered and are able to accept childcare vouchers as payment. If you are choosing to
pay by childcare vouchers then please follow the link below for the carer details.
If you have any questions regarding Breakfast Club or any booking queries please email: bookings@phsportco.uk
After school care is also provided by PH Coaching Monday to Friday 3.15 - 5.45 pm. To book your place visit: http://phsports.co.uk/online-bookings/
The cost per session is £10.61 per child and will include a snack.
The children are taught in mixed year groups in key stage 1 and in single year groups in key stage 2. You can often have a quick word with staff on the door in the morning or afternoon. However, for longer discussions please arrange an appointment through the office, or you can email the class teacher at these addresses:
blueclass@mere.wilts.sch.uk - Reception class, Mr Button and Miss Fletcher
yellowclasssw@mere.wilts.sch.uk - Year 1, Mrs Wilson
yellowclassmh@mere.wilts.sch.uk - Year 1, Miss Hanby
silverclass@mere.wilts.sch.uk - Year 2, Mr Rich
goldclass@mere.wilts.sch.uk - Year 3, Miss Santry
greenclassmc@mere.wilts.sch.uk - Year 4, Miss Chapman
redclasssc@mere.wilts.sch.uk - Year 5, Mrs Cocker
redclassph@mere.wilts.sch.uk - Year 5, Mrs Hall
purpleclass@mere.wilts.sch.uk Year 6, Mrs Shannon
Class parents:
Each class has several class parents who help organise volunteer readers etc. They also regularly meet with Mrs Williamson to discuss suggestions and ideas from parents, and any minor concerns. Please contact them if you would like to raise any points for discussion.
Blue – Ms Cridge and Mrs Bloomfield
Yellow MH - Mrs Pester
Yellow SW - Mrs Houldsworth and Mrs Goodinge
Silver - Ms Beck and Mrs Reed
Gold – Mrs Smart and Mrs Packham
Green – Mrs Gulliver and Mrs Reeves
Red – Mrs Broom, Mrs Bennett, Mrs Cummins and Mrs Manning
Purple – Mrs Fountain and Mrs Cadey
Friends of Mere School:
Our PTA are a friendly group of parents who work hard to raise money and organise social events. You can find out more here - email friends@mere.wilts.sch.uk
Facebook Group:
We have a very useful Facebook page for parents here - you will quickly get answers from other parents to most queries, and can find out just about anything you need to know about the school and the surrounding area!