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School uniform is a navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan with a school logo and grey trousers or skirt.  T-shirts are available for PE.  Gingham dresses in navy can also be worn by the girls in summer.  We feel that a school uniform helps the children to be neat and tidy and encourages them to take a pride in their school.  At the same time we believe that children should be comfortable and suitably dressed for school.  Our uniform caters for this and we expect all children to wear it.

We ask the children to come to school dressed in their PE kit on their PE days.  PE kits comprises of a white school T-shirt, blue/black shorts, school sweatshirt/PE zoodie and trainers.  The children might also benefit from tracksuit bottoms/joggers for the colder months.  

All items of clothing which the children are likely to remove should be clearly named.

Sweatshirts, cardigans, T-shirts, sun hats, coats, water bottles and PE zoodies can be purchased or ordered from the school office.  The school bookbag and sweatshirt/cardigan are compulsory parts of the uniform.  The costs are itemised below:-

Sports Zoodie£14.50 (XS + £16.50)
Water bottle£2.00


A second hand uniform 'shop' operates in the school. 