Dear Parents/Visitors
The governing body welcomes you to Mere School. We are an important part of the leadership and management of the school. We have a close working relationship with the Headteacher.
The Department for Education gives us three major functions:
a. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction - ours is written below.
b. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
c. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Although each governor has their own role to play, we work as a team and have a collective responsibility for the decisions that are made about the school. At Mere School, governors are always available to listen to you. If you would like to discuss a matter with us or would like information about becoming a governor then please contact me or the school office.
Carolyn Godfrey
Chair of Governors
What do we do?
We have meetings! We meet 7 times a year, as a body, to approve the longer term development planning of the school and to monitor the realisation of those plans in the day to day workings of the school and in the outcomes for students, parents, staff and the local community. We check that the school meets the requirements set by the Department for Education, the Local Authority and Health and Safety Executive.
The Chair of Governors meets with the Headteacher regularly and there are other ad-hoc meetings as the need arises.
The main committees meet 6 times a year.
Curriculum Committee
This committee reviews the school’s progress with the teaching and learning action plan and all matters to do with the content and delivery of the curriculum. This committee keeps a watching brief on assessment, homework and the outcomes for students in national assessments. The chair of this committee is Ed Ralph.
Finance Committee
This committee monitors the school’s budget and the impact of the school’s use of Pupil Premium, COVID-Catch-Up and Sports funding. The chair of this committee is Lee Tibbit.
Behaviour and Safety (Premises) Committee
This committee reviews the school’s provision for the safety, in all senses, of the students. This committee looks at the physical aspects of the school and Health and Safety issues. The chair of this committee is Carolanne Barry.
The governors work to an annual action plan, reviewing it at the end of the year and setting a new plan at the end of each school year.
Please note that the governing body of Mere School will provide a paper copy of any information published on the website without charge.