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Red - Year 5

Please note our PE days are Monday and Friday, please come to school in PE Kit.

Welcome To Red Class!




This term our topic is Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We will be visiting the Ancient Technology Center to find out more about what life was like in Anglo-Saxon England. 


We will also be finding out about settlements and how people choose where to live. We will be investigating our own settlement of Mere by climbing Castle Hill.


To find out more about our learning this term please see our curriculum web below.








Autumn Curriculum Web

Visiting the Ancient Technology Center- Discovering what life was like in Anglo-Saxon Britain.

Gillingham Science Day- Sustainable Clothing


We give out an overview of our spellings once a half term with all of our spellings for the half term on it. Every week we will set a spelling quiz as a 'To Do' on Purple Mash. All children have their own logins. We would like them to submit a quiz once a week but they can use it to practise their spellings as many times as they want to.

On a Friday we will select a few of their spellings to give in a dictation exercise.

Below you will find a copy of the spelling letters and some more ideas for how to practise spellings at home.

Timetable and Homework


Below there is a timetable showing what we will be doing. Some weeks may vary. Maths homework is due in and given out on a Monday and English homework is due in and given out on a Thursday. We will do a spelling dictation on a Friday. Children are expected to read daily for about 15 minutes. Their Home/School books should be used to record when they do this. 
