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Autumn Term

Lili et Nounours Pupil Knowledge Organiser

This half term, Yellow Class have completed a unit from the website called Lili et Nounours.


In this unit they followed the teddy bear and his friend Lili on their day out together and they learnt the vocabulary for 5 key elements from the story in French. Each lesson was accompanied by a song that the children were encouraged to actively participate in. The unit ended with an animated story of the characters’ day out together.


Yellow Class were very enthusiastic about this unit and very much enjoyed the song which helped them memorise the vocabulary.


We watched a few minutes of an episode of Ernest et Celestine at the end of each lesson. This is a cartoon completely in French that you can find for free on the website in the kids section. 


Yellow Class always impress me recognising some simple words that we have been learning such as 'merci', 'oui', 'non'. I also notice how much they can work out from the pictures every time I pause the program to ask questions. 


Well done Yellow Class! 
