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Welcome to the Mathematics Section of our website.

Curriculum Statement


At Mere School we believe all our children have the right to succeed, to have high aspirations for their future lives and develop who they are in a respectful and caring environment. Our school ethos is firmly rooted in our school vision - 'We enjoy - we learn - we achieve'. 

At Mere School we believe that mathematics is essential to every day life, critical to science, technology and engineering and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education provides the  foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. 

In line with the 2014 National Curriculum, we aim to ensure that all our pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics; to reason mathematically and to solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems. 


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How to add using the column method

Subraction column method

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short multiplication

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Long Multiplication - 3 digits x 2 digits.mp4

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Look at the videos below to see how to calculate using standard methods.