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                 Mere School Curriculum Statement 


At Mere School we believe all our children have the right to succeed, to have high aspirations for their future lives and develop who they are in a respectful and caring environment. Our school ethos is firmly rooted in our school vision

 'We enjoy - we learn - we achieve'. 

RE at Mere 


At Mere School RE is taught discretely, but it also forms the basis for much of our cross curricular work and school ethos. Where possible RE is linked to our topics, circle time and PSHE so that children are able to gain a practical understanding of world religions and how people of faith demonstrate their core values in every day living.


We believe that RE should be taught with respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs, thus ensuring that fundamental British values are shared. 

The 2014 National Curriculum does not include a framework for RE but we do follow the Wiltshire 2011 Scheme of RE to ensure that we provide a rich, thought provoking and relevant learning experience. To support teachers in the planning of the Wiltshire Agreed Syllabus we now use the Discovery RE scheme of work. 

Our daily assemblies are held in key stages on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, but the whole school family comes together on Wednesday and Friday. We warmly welcome visitors from St Michael's Church who have been regular contributors.

Further links are made with St Michael's Church through Governor representatives, class visits, regular 'Open the Book' Bible story afternoons and our annual Christmas Carol  and Easter Services.

RE at Mere School - Autumn 2024
